
8:30 Breakfast and poster set up

8:55 Welcome and Introductory Remarks

9:00 Plenary: Harnessing the Power of the Microbiome to Revolutionize Treatment of Disease: Phase II & III trials for recurrent C. difficile
Ken Blount, Rebiotix

9:30 Developing a Novel Microbial Therapeutic for Clostridium difficile infection
Jennifer Achtung, Baylor College of Medicine

9:50 Building Infectious Disease Classifiers using a Systems Biology Approach
Qinglong Wu, Texas Children’s Hospital

10:10 Understanding Clostridium difficile Epidemiology Through the Use of Whole Genome Sequencing; A Houston Perspective
Bradley Endres, PhD, University of Houston

10:30 Break

10:40 Plenary: Endogenously Synthesized Antibiotics and Secondary Bile Acids Regulate the Structure of the Gut Microbiome: Implications for Clostridium difficile Infection
Phillip Hylemon, Virginia Commonwealth

11:10 Understanding the Mechanism of Action of New Antibiotics against Clostridium difficile
Eugénie Bassères, University of Houston

11:30 Using CRISPR-Cas9-mediated Genome Editing to Generate C. difficile Mutants Defective in Selenoproteins Synthesis
Kathleen McAllister, Texas A&M

11:50 Meet-the-Professor, Phillip Hylemon
Lunch and poster session (Event Space)

1:10 Precision Metabolomics™ – A Key Technology for Microbiome Research & Unlocking Microbiota Function in Human Health
Robert Mohney, Metabolon

1:20 Plenary: Comparative Systems Biology Analysis of Microbial Pathogens
Jonathan Monk, University of California San Diego

1:50 Identification of clinically significant Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in the Commensal Microbiota
Samuel Shelburne, MD Anderson

2:10 Dietary Trehalose Enhances Virulence of Epidemic Clostridium difficile
James Collins, Baylor College of Medicine

2:30 Selected abstracts:
Induction of C. difficile Sporulation by Next Generation Probiotics
James McLellan, Texas State University

Genome Scale Metabolic Modeling of Clostridium difficile
CJ Norsigian, UC San Diego

2:50 Break

3:00-5:00 Workshop: Building and Using Genome-scale Models of Metabolism to study Microbial Pathogens